The radio in my head...

I have an internal radio. It plays random songs in my head all day long. The other week I had the American national anthem stuck in my head. Don't ask me why, I have no idea. I just did. Hadn't heard it anywhere, the radio in my head just decided to start playing it. Star spangled banner was on a continuous loop... in my head... for two days. Very very irritating! Anyway, today it has Madonna's new song, 4 minutes, playing on a loop. It's a good song, but not when the same few lines are all that's playing, so I've had to get my MP3 player out and listen to a few different songs.

I have a tendency to focus on one thing at a time on my commute to and from work. Last month it was my Nintendo DS, a few weeks ago I was devouring books, now it's music on my MP3. I updated the songs on it last week and have gotten really addicted to a few choice tracks, namely...
All of which I was playing when I decided to go for a jog after work yesterday... yes, that's right, I went for a jog! It nearly KILLED me! I am SO unfit it's not funny. Considering this time last year I was going to pilates, playing badminton, doing sit ups every night and had the beginnings of a six pack forming (I truely did, I have the photos to prove it!) I am so out of shape! Anyway, I had an urge to get back into my size 6 jeans and get my confidence back, so yesterday was the start of my new routine. I jogged for 15-20 mins (I admittedly walked for some of it) and today my thighs are SO sore and stiff! Still, I feel a load better for it... think I'll have to go again tomorrow and keep the momentum up!


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