Name one interesting thing about yourself...

The other day, my colleague was panicking because she couldn't think of one interesting fact about herself. So, she decided to ask all of us to see what we came up with. Worryingly, I couldn't think of anything either. Some of other people's responses were really brilliant though and left me to conclude that actually I am the boring person in the entire world!

Anyway, one colleague came out with the fact that she's fire eaten before, which everyone ooh'ed and ahh'ed at (quite rightly). She used to dance and one routine she performed involved fire eating. Very impressive. My housemate came out with the amazing fact that the Queen of Time statue outside Selfridges department store in Oxford Street is her great great grandmother, which I thought was absolutely amazing. It turns out, her great great grandmother was a cleaner for the sculptor and he needed someone to pose for him, so she did it. They even had a certificate to certify it but she apparently used it as a table cloth, what with the lack of these kinds of things in those days (ha ha) so it's now just family lore. Oddly she statue does bear some kind of family resemblance!

Anyway, it definitely got me thinking... what would I say if I was asked? It's quite a tricky question. I'd have to respond with something unique to me, that's interesting. And it's rather worrying that I can't think of anything. The best I can come up with so far is:
  • I once won a fire safety poster competition and got £100 voucher for Hamleys toy shop
  • I once also won a Boots mother's day colouring competition and got my Mum a travel hairdryer and travel bag
  • My name in Hakka sounds like the word ugly in Cantonese
  • I have bendy fingers (as in the bones are totally bent at funny angles)
  • I can speak pigeon-English
  • I keep a dream diary of all my off the wall weird dreams I have
  • I make a mean tiramisu
  • I make my own handmade jewellery (shameless plug there ha ha)
  • I aim to one day get either a novel or book of poems and photography published
See? Nothing particularly interesting, awe-inspiring or amazing there! I think I shall have to continue thinking... hmm...


Anonymous said…
I'd say writing a blog every day with interesting little facts and thoughts that people actually want to read is fairly impressive! :-)

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