The Grand National sweepstakes

Well, tomorrow is the Grand National. Now, I'm not a betting person, or a horse racing fan (or any kind of sport fan to be perfectly honest) but my floor at work is carrying out a sweepstake and it was only £1 to enter, so I decided to join in! I picked out Cornish Sett as my horse. Looking at the Grand National 2008 website, it doesn't look very promising... it's not mentioned at all until the bottom of the page as 'the most interesting outsider'. Plus I just checked the slip and the odds for my horse are 100-1. Oh dear. Still, I shall be online tomorrow to check if I've won anything. Hope is a wonderful thing.

Tonight, I'm going to have a pampering evening with my housemate. We're going to satisfy my Terry Pratchett cravings with a 3 hour long sitting of The Colour of Magic, which was shown on Sky One over Easter, whilst trying not to crack the face packs we shall be wearing. I shall NOT be eating ANY of the giant Toblerone kindly given to me by my friends who were over on Tuesday, or any other kind of sweet, fattening, sugary treat as I have put on far too much weight and need to lose it urgently! This weekend smelly and I are planning a movie marathon (his words not mine) and are going to get out 3 DVDs to watch. His choices (I didn't get a say in the selection, I was just informed) are Into the wild, The assassination of Jesse James and Mr Brooks. The only one I've heard of is The assassination of Jesse James, which we chose not to see at the cinema in Malta and then saw the trailer and wished we had. Quite looking forward to both evenings, although I will definitely need to fit in a long lie-in somewhere over the weekend as well as I am still absolutely shattered and slept all the way in to work yet again!

Finally, I'd like to make a personal request to Roji, who keeps on spamming my blog with comments on advertising some kind of web hosting crap. Stop it. It's annoying and you're not going to get any business from me because you're irritating the hell out of me. I'm just going to keep hitting reject, so don't bother posting anything else! Grrrr... I shall now research some comment spam blocker for my blog...

Lunch time...

Back! Didn't find a comment spam guard, but did find a really cool widget for my blog. I have now added the google talk widget on the right hand side bar ---> so if you have a google or gmail email account you can chat to me online! Yay! Bear in mind if you invite me to add you and I don't know you, you may get rejected... a girl's gotta be careful you know! All those weirdos out there hehe...


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