Doing something good version 1.0

Ok, so a few posts ago I mentioned I'd stumbled across Bloggers Unite and had the urge to do something good and then pass the torch on to someone else. Well, today I am a step closer. My company does lots of community work. I've previously volunteered to help out in past challenges (we helped landscape a garden which was totally overgrown and derelict so that local schools could use it to study plants and bugs. The pond had dried out and needed relining and the whole place was like a jungle! I've never felt so tired, been so muddy and seen such big spiders in all my life! It looked pretty damn god afterwards though!) and have now volunteered to get involved with the reading scheme. Volunteers from my workplace visit a local school and act as reading partners for primary school children. As one of the volunteers is leaving the company, they needed someone new to join and help out. I figured, I trained as a primary school teacher, I want to do something good and this seemed like the perfect opportunity!

This, however, doesn't seem to have satiated my urge to do something good. It doesn't quite qualify as a random act of kindness in my book, hence to post title version 1.0. I have a feeling further posts versions 1.1, 1.2 etc may follow in future months...

BUT I think that it IS good enough for me to pass the 'do something good' torch onto someone else (the sooner the better so that other lovely people out there can contribute to the big wide world), so I am going to message three people (possibly authors of my favourite blogs, be warned!) and tag them "you're it! Do something nice!". I have some possible candidates in mind so watch this space... am thinking this could be like the start of a whole new social responsibility blogging online meme!


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