April snow?!

I woke up this morning and went to the loo, eyes still heavy and a bit fuzzy (didn't have my glasses on therefore couldn't see a thing) and it suddenly dawned on me... 'Why is it so bright outside?'. Our bathroom has frosted windows, so I had to go back to the bedroom and grab my specs and open the bedroom curtain only to see THIS!

IT'S SNOWING! IN APRIL! And it's not just a little spattering of the white stuff, it's THICK on the trees, cars, everything is white! Of course as soon as I saw the scene outside I jumped straight outside in my goonie coat and ugg boots and started taking photos in the garden hehe. Even went out the front to take some off the woods but didn't get anything fantastic. I'm now going to try and get smelly to wake up and get out of bed so we can go somewhere and take photos while the snow is still around! It's going to be hard though... he's fast asleep with no intentions of waking up in the near future... dammit!

5 mins later...

This is NOT going well... he's just started snoring. Not a good sign. I wonder if I stick something up his nose he'll wake up... hmm....

5 more mins later...

Hmm decided not to go with the 'sticking things up his nose' approach as he'll prob get peed off... plus he's just turned round. Argh... he won't get up! Maybe a cup of tea?

5 more mins after that...

Ok I give up. He won't get out of bed... so I shall tell you about my weekend so far until he does. Last night we rented out 2 DVDs (Blockbuster didn't have any more copies of Jesse James), Into the wild and Knocked up. Last night we watched Into the wild, planning to watch the other film today. Into the wild seemed really long, although I enjoyed it. It's about a guy who finishes college, gives his life savings to Oxfam and sets off to head into the wild and live in Alaska. He burns all his money and possessions with the desire to remove material things from his life. As this is based on a true story, it's pretty awe inspiring the things he sees and experiences and the guts the main character, Chris McCandless, had. With no real survival training and outdoor skills, he set off with a backpack and drifted from one place to another, doing odd jobs, camping out, hitchiking and going where he pleased. The film did not have the ending I expected at all which I won't reveal for those who haven't seen in, but the last thing you see him write in his book at the end of the film stuck out for me. "Happiness is only real when shared". He was a truely intelligent and insightful man. Well read and educated. For those of you who are interested, here's a link to further quotes made in the film.

On a slightly superstitious note, perhaps he should have stayed away from the bus he camped in when he saw the number on it, 142. In Chinese, this is a really unlucky number, 14 meaning along the lines of certainly die (sap sei) and 2 sounding similar to easy (er). But then, that's just Chinese supertisition!


Anonymous said…
Well, you asked for this... I believe it was you who declared a spelling war...



Aside from that, the snow looks fantastic!
Sweetpea said…
Oh you are really asking for a war aren't you?! Just you wait, I've already spotted several typos in your emails this morning missy!! haha

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