The Croydon triangle

Ok, I am going to STOP posting so much stuff on my blog... it's ridiculous, I no longer have anything to make conversation about. TWICE this week I've spoken to friends and started talking about things like 'oh, I saw this really cool film last week...' or 'oh, I went to see so and so on Friday..' and I keep on getting in response 'Yeah I know, I read it on your blog!'... end of conversation! I shall be injecting a lot more randomness into my posts as a rule now haha.

To start off with the randomness, as usual me and my housemate were having a rather random conversation waiting for the train this morning. We have rationalised that her house is in the Croydon equivalent of the Bermuda triangle. I shall explain... strange things happen constantly in her house and to her (and me since I moved in). For example, what are the chances of your next door neighbour going to a shop, buying a doorbell from the thousands of brands of doorbells out there, fitting it, and then finding out it is the exact same make as ours, using the exact same frequency, resulting in our doorbell ringing every time someone rings hers?! Do you KNOW how irritating it is when the doorbell rings at 11pm when you're in bed and you have to get up and answer the door and it's not even for you?! Another example, since I moved in, we have had a flood in the kitchen, a gas leak that turned into digging up the entire house, the water cut of because of a leaky pipe... the list goes on. If something ridiculous or strange can happen, it'll happen at ours.

So, giving you some background on our theory, we arrived at the train station this morning to find out there were severe delays. We waited on the platform for over an hour and 2 or 3 trains went past in the opposite direction but never came back our way (we're 3 stops from the end of the line). We decided this MUST be due to the Bermuda triangle effect, and that the trains had probably gone past us, gotten sucked into some weird worm-hole vacuum and are more than likely sitting in our bathroom. This evolved into exclamations of "haha, can you imagine sitting in the bath and the 8:20 to Charring Cross flies out one wall and into the other while you're having a soak!" and "we'd be so blaze about it.... we'd be like, 'yeah there was a tram in the lounge yesterday' "...

Yes, we are mad
We realise it
We embrace it
But I thought I'd share...

Anyway, found some more cool things for my readers... looking at the 'Splendid pictures from around the net' blog today I found a post on the size of the planets in relation to each other. It makes the mind BOGGLE. Mayhbe the end of Men in Black wasn't so far off the mark... we really ARE tiny and insignificant in comparison to other planets and suns. Amazing... take a look.

An hour later....

I sent my housemate the link to the planets blog post and got this reply (I asked her permission to post this hehe, it was too good not to share). I am so glad I'm not the only person who finds this kind of stuf mind boggling and highly interesting!:

Oh my Goodness! That star size thing is amazing. The scale is incredible, especially when you try to consider that those huge (huge isn't a big enough word to describe it so looked up some more - collossal, immeasureable, monumental, titanic, thundering, vast blah blah blah) cosmic bodies are not just big stuff, but big BURNING stuff.
I'm trying to fathom the sheer scale of energy being consumed and transformed. Not only that but imagine the effect the presence of such a massive bulk of energy would have on it's surroundings. Consider the effect of a piddling little electro magnetic pulse on earth, or an atomic bomb, and then try to fathom the power of Antares, which makes our colossal sun look like a speck of dust. F*cking Awsome.
bloody hell my brain is imploding... both from trying to process this stuff and from the realisation that I have reserves of geekiness far beyond my original estimation... it's like holding back a tide.... nooooooooooo noooooooooo I refuse to go to that place... I might end up wearing waist high jeans and velcro sandles with socks, I won't start speaking clingon* I won't I won't I won't.

*sad to say, I almost corrected her spelling here. Clingon is actually spelt "Klingon". Does that make me a huge geek too? I'll just shuffle off in shame with my head bent low now...


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