Everything is fine.... not finAL.

I stumbled across Jason Mraz's blog yesterday. I recently became a fan of his music, which seemed to echo my new found positive attitude and upbeat outlook. Anyway, I was browsing songs and artists on the iLike application on facebook and came upon his blog posts. Now, I realise that musicians are a creative bunch of people anyway, as they're already musically inclined and fairly literate and articulate if they write their own lyrics, but when I read his blog post it made me think that this artist in particular is a pretty sensitive and philosophical soul. A lot of what he wrote is exactly how I feel and think, but far more eloquently put than I could ever attempt. For example:
I write and post a lot therefore many people assume I have every self-published word memorized or that I live these shared thoughts constantly. This is not the case. My brain doesn’t reference myself very well actually, and I’m sure I contradict myself every other day in one way or another. One day I feel like I have all the wisdom of the world and the next day my soul wears thin and I stutter just ordering ice cream.

And everything is fine.

Because I trust in the ever-changing climate of the heart. (At least, today I feel that way.) I think it is necessary to have many experiences for the sake of feeling something; for the sake of being challenged, and for the sake of being expressive, to offer something to someone else, to learn what we are capable of. These meanderings, rants, and blogs for instance, provide a great deal of comfort just sharing it, even though i put a part of myself on the line to be criticized or considered an ass.

Everything happens for a reason. I believe you come across things that you need when you need them. I mentioned at the beginning of the week that I was struggling with putting what I preach into practice, and that believing in positive thinking is great until you are actually tested... and then I come across this. It just reconfirms things for me... and it made me smile. I suggest you just mosey on down to his blog to have a read of the full entry for yourself and clickedy click here!

Not only does he reflect my internal musings to a T, he also seems to to have a keen interest in photography and sketching. He has a book soon to be published called "A thousand things" which is a compilation of random polaroid shots. Sound familiar?

Anyway, my point is, it's uplifting to find that there's other people in the world who share your slightly off the wall, irritatingly positive yet introspective view on life... who have a wide and varied interest in more than just the latest episode of Desperate Housewives or newest Billionaire Boys Club t-shirt, and who takes joy from the little things that most people walk past without giving a second look at.

I shall listen to his music with a new found respect and even greater appreciation...

Jason Mraz's blog
Jason's official website


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