The aftermath

Well, the Christmas party has been and gone. I did well, I'm not hung over, although a tad tired. There was of course the usual scandal and drunken snogs and goings on at the party, but I won't go into that! The venue was amazing. I really want to go back to the Four Seasons just to take photos of the Christmas decorations! The way they have decorated the place is fantastic! Dinner was, well, interesting, with a seafood risotto which was a bit too large for starters, the usual turkey and veg main and a weird Christmas pudding wrapped in filo pastry and ice cream for dessert. Me and my colleagues were very civilised and left the party at the end, went back to the hotel, had a cuppa and a natter over the photos we'd taken. This morning the office has the air of regret and sorrow as people slump over their desks, regretting the amount of alcohol they drank, the embarassing photos that were taken and the pain they're feeling in their heads. I'm hoping we'll get to go early as I can't imagine today is going to be very productive!

My housemate jets off to Melbourne for 3 weeks today, the cow... and I will be left home alone. She's kindly lent me her car while she's away though so I shall be back on the road woohoo! Am seriously considering a Vespa or something similar though as a full on car seems like too much expense for getting to and from the train station. I've toyed with the idea for far too long though.... may prove to be one of those things I umm and aah about and never actually do.

I have found a blog which I love more than any of the others in my hunt for fanastic blogs... one pic a day sounds like London Daily Photo but it's so not. The author does blog a photo a day, but the accompanying text is like reading a very honest and heartbreaking book... full of unrequited love. Plus, his photos are amazing, a really artistic guy. Definitely take a look. will be going in my blog roll for sure.


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