Day before the big party...

Getting very excited about the Christmas party, although I have reservations about my shoes which are STILL too big, even with the heel insoles... damn my dwarfen feet! Us girls have taken a half day off and we're going to go get ready at the hotel beforehand... which means drinking a few bottles of the expensive wine we were given as gifts by our supplier, getting tiddly, fighting to use the mirror and eventually turning up a bit late even though we've had hours to prepare haha. May attempt some false eyelashes, but I've never worn them before and have nightmare visions of them coming unstuck and looking like I have freak hairy caterpillars crawling down my cheeks...!

Just had our team Christmas lunch at The Southwark Rooms, in Southwark incedentally, and had an amazing lamb shank. The meat just fell off the bone, although the champ mash seemed to be missing a vital ingredient of champ... spring onions... was more like standard mash really! Everyone swapped secret santa gifts which was fun. I got a pair of wind up racing grannies... which, like real grannies, are very unsteady on their feet and tend to fall over rather than race very far on their zimmer frames!

Thank you to my ickle sis for donating £20 to the Lymphoma Research Trust fund raising... I've had some great donations from some very good and kind friends, so thank you. I'm sure I speak for the whole family when I say it means a lot... but keep donating people!!


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