A Golden Compass and some killer shoes

I went to see The Golden Compass last night. I was a bit disappointed as I was expecting a lot more, but maybe that's from all the hype. It's definitely a kids film, but a good one at that. I think a lot of the plot may have been left out from the film though when they changed the book into a script. everyone seemed to just know that Lyra, the main character, was on a mission and what it was... for example why did the cowboy suggest she hire an ice bear of he didn't know she was on some big quest? And it all seemed a little too coincidental that the ice bear pledged alliegance to her once she told him where his armour was.... but, if you just watch it for what it is, a kids movie, it's good... I'm sure the books are much better, as with all books turned movie.

I had a go at researching my own daemon on the Golden Compass movie website... it asks you 20 questions and then matches you up with a daemon spirit guide... mine is

Anyway, on to much more interesting things... I finally bought my dream shoes!! I went to Covent Garden at lunch, umm'ed and ahhh'ed over black or red, and then reasoned that if I'm going to splash out on shoes then level headedness and reason go straight out the window and got the red ones! My colleague who went with me agreed... I can't wait to wear them. Only one slight issue, I'm a size 3 and my heels still slip out of them a bit so I'm going to have to buy some insoles. Can't believe a size 3 is still too big! I have weird, abnormal munchkin sized feet! No wonder I fall over so much... my feet are too small!


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