Ab-solutely fabulous...

That's right... time for a totally self obsessed post. I been working my ass off (or should I say abs) trying to get my flabby gut in shape and finally braved bearing my hard work at the weekend. Funny as I've always been fine exposing my midriff on holiday, but as soon as I get to the UK, it all gets covered up!

I've become slightly obsessive with toning up my tummy. Years of having a complex about it (and feeling the need to cover it up with anything from jumpers to cushions while I was on the sofa, thanks to a rather nasty ex boyfriend and his unflattering comments... which I won't go into now) are now being thrown out the window... and it's something I'm pretty proud of.

Every night (ok, I slack some nights like tonight when I'm really damn tired) I do 100 crunches, 200 when I'm feeling energetic. Pyramid exercises are a miracle... for those of you who don't know what these are, they're a fantastic way of fooling yourself into doing a ton of sit ups without realising it. Each night, I do 10 crunches, then 9, then 8 all the way down to one. Each repetition gets easier and before you know it, you've done 55 crunches. Then I do the same with reverse ab crunches or leg raises to work my lower abdominals. Then, if my tummy doesn't feel like it's on fire, I do 20 elbow to knee oblique crunches on each side. Then I also do 50 standing knee to elbow side crunches to work my waist, as well as 25 butt clenching one legged hip thrusts, and 50 squats...

All sounds like a hell of a lot, but it's actually 10-15 mins worth of exercise a night and it obviously is getting results as I'm still eating out almost every night, and haven't cycled in weeks....

...and now I've written this post, I feel like I've just guilted (is that even a word?! Is now...) myself into doing at least my ab exercises before bed time....



Anonymous said…
Check You out! Nice ABS and an Impressive set of Fig-ures there. A case of 'If you got it and Flaunt it'?? Clearly reaping the benefits of looking after oneself. Rather than number crunching or just crunching, or both. Being quite cynical as i can be there's an element of some narcissistic creaping in. In all, A very interesting and amusing Blog observations... which to a degree I can't really disagree with.
Sweetpea said…
Everyone has narcissistic tendencies to a certain degree... and I've worked damn hard to get those abs and was stuck for a post to decided what the hell... :o)

It's not like I've plastered my identity or face all over my blog so I reckon heading out clubbing in a belly top was much more narcissistic than blogging about it. But thanks for the compliments. :o)

(and it's "element of narcissism" not "element of narcissistic" by the way... picky picky I know... hehe)
Anonymous said…
Jeez, That's a rapid rebuttal. I must hit a nerve somewhere along the line...I apologies if i did: it isn't my intention. I appreciate your grammer correction - someone sounds like a teacher!!
Sweetpea said…
HAHA no no, no offence taken... just the narcissistic comment possible raised the hackles... :o)

Ah yes... years of training as a primary school teacher obviously ingrained a few correctional grammatical habits... haha

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