Wide load coming through!

I must look decidedly very much heavily undeniably pregnant. Maybe it's the dress I'm wearing today. Maybe it's just that I'm 8 months pregnant. Maybe bean has had a mega growth spurt. Whatever the reason, I've noticed the difference in other people's reactions this week. Let me explain...

Example 1: Up til now, I've had to do the "huff onto the train and stand belly out in people's faces until someone relents and gives you a seat" tactic on the way home from work. Not this week! This week, without fail, I've gotten on to the 5:48 to Ashford and straight away, someone has immediately jumped out their seat and flusteredly (don't think that's a word... oh well, is now! I blame baby brain!) offered it to me. Result!

Example 2: when walking down corridors at work, people seem to feel the need to plaster themselves up against the wall, flat as possible, in order to let me pass, sometimes with a wave or "after you". Not sure how I feel about that one. I'm big, but I'm not THAT big. Surely! Am I?!

(can I just interject here that I am now on the bus and there is a kid sat next to me chomping through a bumper bag of onion ring crisps which smell SO damn good I just want to rip said bag out of his greasy little hands and scoff the lot! Nom! Ahem. Anyway. Where was I? Oh yes...)

Example 3: the continuous "omg have you not dropped yet? What are you still doing at work? Damn you've gotten LOADS bigger since last week! Shit you're HUUUUUUUGE!" comments I seem to be getting from everyone in the office, sometimes accompanied by unsolicited belly touching (only by the girls it seems... men just seem to be a little in awe/freaked out/amazed/confused). Sometimes also then followed (thankfully) by "you so can't tell you're pregnant from behind" shortly undone with a "but then you turn round and BANG! You look like you stuck a bowling ball up your dress!"

(seriously, his parents aren't with him. Surely I can use pregnancy induced cravings/craziness if I swipe the bag and scoff a few onion rings?! They smell gooood!)

Example 4: I can now very nearly, but not quite because it's still a little too round, balance a bowl of cereal on my bump. The true test of being decidedly preggers.

By the end of next week, bean will be full term, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised I LOOK properly pregnant. Wonder what the hell kind of reaction I'm going to get by 40 weeks (assuming bean isn't impatient and makes an appearance before then... please don't! Mummy wants a few weeks of me time before you show up!). Anyway. Yeah. I look pregnant. Very pregnant. Apparently. Ha!

(you'll be pleased to know I decided not to mug the poor kid of his bag of crisps. Even though as I type this he just reopened it and started shovelling them into his gob. Grrr.)


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