Pinterest... my new online obsession

It's funny how the internet has changed everyone's routines. How many of us religiously check email and Facebook on their phones lain in bed before they switch the light off, and again first thing in the morning before they've even brushed their teeth? No, just me then? Oh, ok. Well, I'm a self confessed internet addict, and acceptance is the first stage right?! ha! Anyway, my nightly routine used to consist of checking Facebook, my emails and then going to bed, but as more and more interesting, useful and just plain time sapping websites pop up, the bigger the urge I have to "just take a peek before bed to see if I'm missing anything interesting". It's an inherent trait in me. Ask my mum, who insists I spent my first few years of life bawling my eyes out and bashing my head against the cot to keep myself awake because I didn't want to go to sleep in case I missed out on something.

So anyway, my night time routine has now expanded to having a quick check of Facebook, email, sometimes eBay or Groupon for some last minute bargains... but the most time absorbing of all has got to be Pinterest! Damn you and your categorising, pinning ways! That website appeals to my love of organising things into folders and collecting things. Gah! If you haven't used Pinterest before, it's a website that encourages users to browse the web and "pin" interesting images on to virtual pin boards. Other Pinterest users can then browse other people's pins and boards and re-pin items onto their own boards. Many a dull train journey is now spent "pinning" hair style ideas or ridiculously cute baby outfits.

For example... my baby photography ideas board. Every time I spot a cute idea for a photo of my soon to arrive bubba, I pin it to this board so I can refer to it later. Yes yes, I know, it's very likely I'm going to be so tired and bewildered that all these grand ideas of dressing baby up in outfits and taking millions of perfectly lighted images is probably a pipe dream, but meh... you never know right?

Then there's my I want to make this board, which is a collection of ideas for things I want to, er, make... (obviously). Ok, so I haven't really gotten round to making many of them, although I did make the sock owl mobile, and have the bits for a giant whiteboard calendar which I plan to put in the kitchen, but the intent is there!

See? All useful stuff right? Ok, so my funnies board isn't so productive... and my I want this board is just a list of things I want for Christmas... and my constant browsing of the geek category in Pinterest is more about amusing myself than finding hints and tips on how to keep the house clean, but hey, who wouldn't laugh at text messages from Mums using abbreviations inappropriately, and photos of cute Chinese babies in Totoro outfits down right adorable, right?!

You can find my Pinterest boards here if you want a browse! Happy pinning!


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