Get 'em high!

So, I was round my parents house for dinner the other day and we got onto a conversation about hash brownies. Apparently my mother wants to see what it's like. She doesn't want to get stoned, she just wants to eat hash cakes and see what the effects are like (yes, I know, that IS getting stoned.... just not in my mothers odd little world). "Want to try some with me?" she exclaimed, giggling like a teenager over her apple danish and custard. Obviously I rather indignantly declined. How weird would THAT be?! Not that I have any inclination to try it in the first place, but my first experience of getting high would be with my MOTHER? Er, I think I'll pass on that one! haha. I can see it now... Mum chomping on a marjuana laced brownie like a naughty school girl, exclaiming she doesn't feel any different then sliding off her chair onto the floor...and raiding the fridge when she got the munchies. I don't even know where she planned to get her hands on the stuff! A spur of the moment trip to Amsterdam I assume, as she's not the law breaking type... ha ha.

Anyway, I threatened to blog the whole weird and random conversation, so now I have. Don't worry Mum, I'm sure the police won't be banging on the door just yet. Just don't plan growing any along with your rhubarb in the green house haha.


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