Thames Festival

Today me and stinky (yes you've been re-named again) went to the Thames Festival. First in the morning we went to see the flat I'm moving into with my landlord, then we showed the car to a couple who I thought were going to buy it, then went f0r yum cha ta Hong Kong City. We originally wanted to onto Southwark Bridge as there was a lot of food
stalls on there but when we got to the bottom they had barriers up and weren't letting anyone on as it was too busy. So we walked along the river side from Soutwark bridge to the millenium wheel. There were morris dancers, street perfomers, bands playing... and lots and lots of crowds! We watched the bmx bikers and skateboarders under Royal Festival Hall, watched people from the public learn to boogaloo (a type of jive dance), an amazing bubble blower guy near the Tate Modern was creating amazing shapes and the kids were trying to pop the bubbles he was making (felt a bit sorry for him!) and watched people Argentinian Tango'ing.

After that we walked all the way back to the car, which we had abandoned at London Bridge, and had dinner at home. We made a yummy tagliatelle with musells in a garlic sauce, garlic bread with vingigaretted chopping tomatoes and cut fruit for dessert. And the weekend's not even over yet...

I am now going through all the photos I took today as well as searching random blogs. I have found my new inspiration, London Daily Photo. This blog is brilliant! The owner posts a photo of London every day... I'd love to do something like this. So simple and yet so good.... but I just can't get my mobile blogging settings on my stupid phone to work!!! Been trying to blog for a couple of days, but once my phone says it's published the photo, I can't find out the url of where! Argh! I have photos floating the web and no idea where.... oh dear...


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