Vent vent vent...

Being a mum with a baby who refuses to feed has made me realise just how easy life was before I had her. Every mum has a tough time, and I know that this is nothing compared to a mum coping with a severely ill or disabled child, but being a mum to my munchkin is just so so hard. Sleepless nights and daily repetition of feeds, nappy changes and so on, which some people find difficult to deal with, I would find just fine. It's the every day repetitive battle to get her to drink enough which is slowly wearing away my resolve and sanity. It's a daily struggle to stay up-beat and positive... something which is totally out of character for me if you've read all my law of attraction/ positivity posts in the past. With each day I'm getting more and more tired, more and more tearful and more and more desperate. 6 months of fighting to feed a child who refuses to drink enough to grow is beginning to take its toll on me.

At the beginning of the week I succumbed and went to the doctor to beg for medication for her. I left feeling half relieved half fuming! First got told it was colic... felt like slapping the doctor! hell no its not!!! Then got told she'll improve when she's 3 months old.. er she's 6 months already?!!! Then got given ranitidine as its "first line" even though i wanted omeprazole (I've read ranitidine doesn't really help) and apparently I should have come to the doctors ages ago (even though I've seen the doctors 3 or 4 times already and each time was fobbed off and raised this with the health visitors several times a month since she was 8 weeks old!!). And apparently if it hasn't helped by Friday there's a paediatric assessment unit at Queen Mary's which is walk in and ill get seen straight away by a paed! Nice if someone had told me that ages ago??!

Well now it's Thursday and far from improving she's now gotten worse! Not only is she back to refusing to drink awake, but she's also refusing asleep, so I'm struggling to get her to drink full stop. I'm also back to getting up at 1am to try and feed her to top her up, but have to wait til she's fallen back asleep and do the whole dummy switch palaver. It's taking over 45 minutes to get her started drinking some nights.

I just want a miracle cure. I want someone to wave a magic wand and just fix her. Make her hungry and get her to drink like a normal baby.

This has to be the hardest thing I have ever done in my life. Everything else pales in comparison. Before I was a mum it was all parties, meals out, seeing friends and thinking of yourself. Now a half hour walk to the park and back is a real treat as I can barely leave the house. And if you've never had a baby who refuses to drink, then you'll never understand. It's genuinely soul destroying. Getting her to drink ends up consuming you. It takes over every aspect of your life. You end up trapped at home unable to leave the house because they won't drink in public/noise/awake. And you can't even ask someone else to take over to give you a break as they won't manage to get her to drink. It's an endless cycle of frustration, stress and upset. Right now I just can't see the end if it. And to make matters worse she won't eat solids either, and until she does I can't let her drop a bottle feed.

Ok vent over.

Seriously I'd never wish this on anyone.


Devany said…
Found you on Twitter #silentreflux. D has it, too. How is she now?
Sweetpea said…
She's still refusing to drink awake but she's drinking more asleep in one go now she's been on omeprazole for a week. How old is your little one?

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