Eczema eek!

My poor poor baby... Like its not bad enough that she refuses to drink anything all day and is suffering from silent reflux, but her eczema has now reached a whole new level! The NHS need to get their fingers out their arses and send us our paediatric allergist appointment ASAP! She's obviously reacting to something and as she's on neocate it can't be her milk! Her cheeks had progressively got worse and worse until yesterday it looked like she'd been burnt. They were red raw and cracked. A friend recommended Eucerine, and right now ill try anything to clear her skin, so I didn't even look at the till as I handed over £8.50 for a tiny tube. Money well spent! The photo is yesterday and today a few hours after applying the Eucerine. Thank god it's healing and in record time! I was beginning to worry about infection! Can't recommend that cream enough!!

Now if we can just get our appointment so I know what she can't eat, we can prevent more evil flare ups!

God these children are never straight forward! Thankfully there's nothing wrong with her physically! She's happily sitting up now, to the point where she refuses to lie down. My child has ABS OF STEEL!!! She can hold her head and feet up for aaaaaaaaages! I don't even think I could do it for 10 seconds. She's going to be a Pilates instructor when she's older, I'm sure! Ha!


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