27 weeks and coming along nicely!

In the past week munchkin has found her balance... all of a sudden she's sitting unaided so much better. Don't get me wrong, she's still face planting the floor, but she can sit for a good minute or so and right herself if she leans too far forward!

Eating is still an issue.... the spoon is no friend of hers (unless she's holding it herself) and most purées are spat back out (apart from apple which we seems to be having success with but now have to stop giving it to her as it seems to be flaring up the eczema on her face really badly!). Today a mini break through though... rice cakes are a hit! She chowed down what I can only assume was at least half an adult sized rice cake at lunch (can't think where else it went as there wasn't much of it on the floor or on us!) and at dinner we smeared another half with purée while she wasn't looking (sneaky mummy!!) and that melted and magically disappeared too! Sucked to death I think! Hurrah! Milk on the other hand is still only drunk asleep, even though we've been on omeprazole for 3 days now. I reckon the dose is too low. *sigh*

Still, it's comforting to know even though she's barely consuming enough, she's developing mentally and physically ok. That's something at least!


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