And we're back to refusing to drink....

Well I knew it was too good to be true. 1 week of munchkin downing 5-6oz bottles (albeit still asleep) in one go, meaning I could feed her 4 times a day with one night feed and were back to her being a total nightmare. I'm sick and tired of taking anywhere up to 45 minutes JUST to get the sodding dummy out her mouth and the bottle in... and then realising her tongue has raised up and the bottle isn't in her mouth properly so she wont suck, then spending another 10-15 minutes trying to wake her up enough for her tongue to drop but not so much that she thrashes and the bottle comes out and I have to do it all over again. It's exhausting and frustrating and I feel like crying. In fact I am crying.

Her eczema is still bad and she fidgets non stop trying to scratch it. We've had no appointment from Guys yet to see the allergist, so I have no idea what's irritating her skin. Getting her to sleep and changing her nappy are a battle as she fidgets and thrashes trying to scratch her arms and legs. Her face is a mess with rashes and scratches where she's drawn blood from her fingernails.

When is this going to get better?? I feel like just putting her down and walking away, and that makes me feel awful. I've had enough! I seriously hate my life right now. This is not how motherhood is supposed to be. I want to enjoy it, not dread getting up every morning.


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