The best toys for babies! My top 10!

Knowing which toys to buy for a small baby is so confusing! Especially when there's a billion different choices! So I thought I'd blog about munchkin's favourites... and she definitely has preferences!

1. VTech Moosical beads cow. This was a present from my parents and it was an instant hit! She's been playing with it for months and still isn't bored of it. It's the perfect size to bung in the changing bag to take out with us and keeps her entertained for ages. The lights and music are great.

2. Fisher Price jumperoo. This has to be THE most invaluable toy we have! Munchkin LOVE it and it means I can pop her in it and get on with things knowing she's happy and safe. All the different jumperoos are much of a muchness... But they're seriously brilliant! The only drawback is that she wants to jump ALL the time, even when you're holding her. Which is tiring on my arms!

3. VTech walker. This one is for slightly older babies... munchkin has only been playing with this one since she could sit up unaided. Like the cow, she loves the lights and loves bashing things, so hits all the buttons on it. It'll be great when she can pull herself up too.

4. Lamaze firefly. This is great and I know is a very popular toy. It's one of the first toys munchkin started grabbing. The colours and textures are brilliant and she loves chewing the rings on it.

5. Lamaze bug high chair toy. This is a new one I just bought yesterday after looking high and low for a decent high chair toy to sucker onto the tray. Good thing the sucker is strong as she really yanks at it! Brilliant toy though she likes grabbing the beads and seems obsessed with the Lamaze logo on the base... not sure that was supposed to be a feature though! Lol!

6. Early learning Center activity triangle. I got this one at a charity shop but would pay full whack for it. The shape means she can pick it up and play with it from any angle and its great to play with both sitting up and during tummy time.

7. Fisher Price take along mobile. This was another gift and we've been using it since birth. It can be used on the Moses basket as well as car seat. Almost 7 months on and she still happily lies in the bassinet from the pushchair travel system after naps and stares at it!

8. Vtech piano. Another great one for bashing, and the pages of the integrated book mean there's literally dozens of different songs and tunes to play! Brilliant!

9. Fisher Price jungle play mat. There are loads of play mats out there but this is definitely the best one. It's stimulating and even now keeps her entertained. I bought this one after the pretty pink one I had wasn't stimulating enough. Immediately she started grabbing and batting toys! It's encouraged her to roll for toys and she reaches for things on the mat during tummy time.

10. Early learning Center pop up animals. This is another new one and encourages problem solving. Plus it's hilarious when the animals poo up apparently!


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