Feed feed feed

So this post is more for posterity/future reference... so in 20 years time I can say to munchkin "look what we had to do to get you as big as you are now!". Because right now I feel like we're continually feeding her... Not that she's taking much... which is why we're having to attempt to get her to drink so damn often...!! The only time I can get out is between her lunch and next bottle and even that's a mad rush.... my fringe is now a hazard it's so long and I've given up on applying makeup as what's the point when I'm stuck in doors all day!!? If she would just feed properly id happily stay in and become a hermit....

Anyway here's our schedule. God knows how mums with two under two cope. Seriously!

7am omeprazole
7:45 breakfast
8:30-9:30 nap and bottle
10:30-11:30 bottle
12:30-1 lunch
2:30-3:30 bottle
4:30-5 dinner
7-8:30 bottle
12-3am bottle


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