Preparing to welcome in a new decade!

I hadn't realised until just now, that this new years eve is not just welcoming in a new year, it's welcoming in a new decade... and it makes me feel OLD.  With my little cousins on facebook completing "you know you were born in the 90's if..." questionnaires, I'm now just waiting for the wave of "you know you were born in the noughties if..." quizzes. I only narrowly missed the 70's. It's bad enough I can now say I've lived through the 80's, 90's and noughties already. I'm one year away from living three decades. God. That's a scary thought. eep!

Anyway, digressing... (sign of old age, the rambling... is it not?!). With a new year, and a new decade, comes new resolutions. Last year, my sole resolution was "To be positive and happy. Everything else I want to achieve will fall into place, so no need to create a list!". And what a good new year's resolution it was. As I later posted, you are a prophet of your own destiny. I visualised and believed that everything would fall into place in 2009, and it has. Ok, so not everything worked out as I planned it to. I didn't buy the flat I wanted, and I was hoping to be a home owner before 2010, but then again surely it's a blessing in diguise. Everything happens for a reason. So, what HAVE I achieved in 2009? Or rather, what do I have to be grateful for? Well...
  1. I found the person I want to spend the rest of my life with. Or maybe he found me (although more I found him as I kind of checked him out on facebook and accidentally messaged him.... long story but genuine mistake! haha). Either way, we found each other. Serendipity (which also happens to be one of my favourite films).
  2. I finally arrived in a position where I CAN buy a property. I didn't do it, but at least now I can when I find the right place.
  3. I had some amazing photography opportunities and jobs,  learnt a lot, and have paved the way for more to come in 2010.
  4. I finally stopped talking about learning Chinese and enrolled in a Mandarin course, which I am loving and picking up fairly quickly.
  5. I got to go to Hong Kong and had a fabulous holiday, and met my boyfriends parents, and am all set to go back again next week.
  6. All mine and my boyfriends worries and loose ends were finally tied off this month, leaving us free to welcome in 2010 with nothing hanging over us and able to look forward to a new and happy decade together.
  7. I spent almost a year living at home, which gave me time to appreciate my family all the more (even if they drive me a little crazy too) and save towards that ever growing deposit.
  8. I can finally say, for the first time in my life, that this year, I finally became genuinely and truly happy, content, positive and gained faith in my future. Something that's taken a long time coming and needs a little shove to the forefront of my mind every now and then, but it's there somewhere in the recesses of my consciousness.
So, what is my 2010 resolution? I think more of the same really. I resolve to be positive and happy. A nice sparkly surprise wouldn't go amiss either (*hint hint*), but just to have another year of contentment, laughter, and to continue with the same momentum and direction as I have in 2009 is all I hope and wish for. In fact, scratch that, hope implies it  may not happen, and it will, so I look forward to another year of of contentment, laughter, and to continue with the same momentum and direction as I have in 2009.

I wish you ALL a very happy, prosperous and fortuitous new year. Just visualise it and it will happen!


    Leo said…

    Before the year is out I thought I'd post and say that this year I found your blog by accident have enjoyed reading it thouroughly.

    You always have something interesting to write about, and I have learnt a lot from your posts, especially about cameras ;).

    It's so nice to hear about all the great things that have happened for you this year, from your photography to personal life. Long may it continue.

    Keep up the posts so I can follow what 2010 brings! :)

    Sweetpea said…
    Thanks Leo! I hope I continue to write things of interest! Same to you! Happy new year! :)
    Unknown said…
    I wish that you get all that you wish for. Have a great 2010!
    Unknown said…
    I wish that you get all that you wish for. Have a great 2010! And here's to more funny, interesting and or informative posts!

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