Are you trying to be more Chinese?

So yesterday one of my friends said to me, "So what's with the new haircut? Personally, I preferred it before... are you trying to be more Chinese or something?" or something to that effect anyway, I can't remember their exact words. At the time I was kind of like meh... you're allowed your opinion, not everyone is going to gush at my new fringalicious stylings... but the more I thought about it, the more annoyed I got. It wasn't their distaste for the current state of my bonce, but their questioning whether I was trying to be Chinese.

WTF? I'm sorry, call me stupid, but last time I checked... I WAS Chinese?? Ok, yes, if you want to be pedantic, I am HALF Chinese, but does that mean as I am not 100% Chinese, I am therefore not Chinese at all? Asking me if my new haircut and change of style is an attempt to 'be Chinese' just irritates the hell out of me. I'm also half Irish, but as I'm not 100% Irish, I guess I'm not Irish at all either... which begs the question, what the hell AM I then? I'm not Chinese, not Irish, so am I nothing?! It's that typical attitude I've put up with my entire life from Chinese and Caucasian alike, that as I'm mixed, I don't 'belong'. I guess my learning Mandarin is also me 'trying to be Chinese' right? If I learn to cook traditional Chinese dishes, am I 'trying' to be more Chinese? But then again, the same people who ask if I'm trying to be more Chinese, would most certainly argue that I should learn about my culture. They'd be the first to tut scornfully and ask why hadn't I learnt to speak Chinese, and wasn't I proud of my heritage? But then, surely, if I do, I'm 'trying' to be Chinese.... right? If I dyed my hair brown, I guess I'd be trying to be English and neglecting my Chinese side? Perhaps I should just paint myself purple with green spots and try to be an alien instead... perhaps I'd fit in better.

For f's sake, I cut my goddamn hair because I LIKED the style! And even if I DID cut it to look more Chinese, who the hell CARES! I AM Chinese! Maybe I cut it to look more JAPANESE! HA! Stick THAT in your pipe and smoke it!

....did I cut my hair to look more Chinese...

...FFS... sod off...

...yes, I'm still pissed off... can you tell?


Leo said…
Hey, don't get so worked up. There will always be ignorant people in the world who make stupid comments, try not to let it bring you down.

Personally I do not think anyone should feel obligated to be a part of any particular culture, no matter what their heritage.

The world is full of cultures, each with their own differences and unique attributes that make them special.

I think everyone should try and embrace as many different cultures as possible and try to learn something from each of them.

I think the world would be a better place for it.

Finally, youy shouldn't try to 'fit in', just be yourself, do the things you want to do and let the world fit in with you.

Sweetpea said…
Thanks Leo... I think I was just fed up of the same old crap... but don't worry, I'm not THAT het up over it. I'm me! And that's that! :D
Anonymous said…
You didn't dress up and dye your hair like a Japanese. Probably you'll be labelled as being Jamaican if you perm your hair like Ronald McDonald

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