Busaba bafflement

Yesterday, after my boyfriend repeatedly telling me he wanted to go to town and look at the Christmas lights like we did on our first date last year, (and get sneak a peak in Selfridges for the Loake chelsea boots he's wisted after for ages I suspect) we braved the c r a z y Christmas sales and headed to Oxford Street. After being trampled on by bargain hungry shoppers, and spending my Christmas money on a lovely grey knitted hooded cardigan from Pull and Bear, we rested our weary carcases at Busaba Eathai in Soho. We had several dishes, including orange curry with mackrel and chow chow, and a green thai curry with chicken (although eating that was more like a lesson in fishing, there was more curry than anything else). Full and rather sleepy, I headed to the loos to be confronted with this...

Yes I stood there for a good minute umming and ahhing, not entirely sure which door to take, afraid of what I may find on the other side. Then, slowly, I found enlightenment... and chose the right door. I gingerly pushed open the door and rushed into a cubicle, fearful that my choice may have been wrong. Imagine my horror when I heard a MAN talkign away to his little boy in what seemed to be the cubicle a couple of stalls down. Oh my god I thought. I'm in the men's loos! I sat there, embarassed as hell, until I heard a woman chatting away washing her hands. Baffled, I cautiously opened the toil;et door and realised my choice had been correct and I WAS in the ladies after all. Washing my hands, I realised the source of my near pant wetting confusion (thank god I was on the loo right?!). The sink, which had a mirror hung above it, stretched under and through to the mens toilets, meaning both the men's and women's lavatories shared one sink... which was why you can clearly hear what's going on next door (it also meant, if you bend over a bit and peek under the mirror, you can see the other toilets... not that I did that, or saw a row of empty urinals... thank god... because that would be, er, perverted, right? *ahem*). I informed my beloved on returning to the table, to just bear one thing in mind when he got downstairs. Women sit down, men stand up... remember this gem of information and you'll pick the right door... but seriously, isn't it a bit risky being rather vague with the mens and ladies loo signs?!

Anyway, here's a few of the shots I got of the Christmas lights. To be honest, after heading into town for that purpose, I was too bloody tired from shopping to make a concerted effort to take any photos... so these two were the best of the bunch.

Christmas arch

St Christophers Place


Unknown said…
Great photos. Which camera did you use? Don't suppose there's any way to get something similar with a wee digital camera and no tripod, right? If there is, what are the tricks? Thanks.
Sweetpea said…
Thanks, I used my Nikon D5000 for the bottom two shots (I assume those are the two you're talking about and not the toilet door signs! haha).

I took them hand held, no tripod. You just have to set the ISO high enough to capture the light, and the shutter slow enough to get a good shot, but not so slow that your hand shake blurs the photo. Just play around with the settings really! But it can be done easily on a small handheld point and shoot! :)
Unknown said…
I was captivated by your second lot of photos that I had forgotten about the toilet pics ;-) but yeah, you knew what I meant. Thanks for the info - will have to try it out when I have some time.

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