NOT in my name

Nick Griffin and Andrew Brons, BNP party members, recently won seats in the European Parliament. Pelting the new MEP with eggs made the news and showed the facist political party that most of Britain doesn't share their racist Nazi ways, and Hope not hate is campaigning against racism and the BNP and exposing their extremist ideology. Sign the petition and show that the British National Party do NOT speak for Britain.

What would happen if the BNP were in charge? Well, accoring to the hope not hate website...

What if ... In a BNP Britain

  • The BNP would kick out all those people who were not born in Britain. What if every other country in the world kicked out the Brits? A staggering 5.5 million people would be sent back here – far more than would leave our shores. This includes 800,000 from Spain, most of whom are pensioners.
  • What if ... In a BNP BritainIf non-white people were ordered out of Britain then the NHS would collapse overnight. 16% of nurses are from minority ethnic communities, as are 40% of new dentists and 58% of new doctors!
  • The BNP would introduce apartheid into Britain. The BNP call for whites to be given first preference in housing, education and jobs. This is no different from apartheid South Africa, a racist regime which the BNP supported.
  • Mixed-race relationships would be outlawed. The BNP constitution opposes any racial integration. Articles in BNP journals condemn mixed-race relationships as “mongrelising the white race”.
  • The BNP’s answer to violent crime is to allow every household to have a gun. We kid you not. This barmy idea was in the BNP’s 2005 general election manifesto.

Sign the petition here, and make your voice heard.



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