Battling the belly pain...

For years I've suffered from stomach ache, sometimes getting so bad I come out in cold sweats. I've just accepted it and never really investigated the cause, but over the past few months they've gotten more and more frequent and intense, driving me finally to the doctor's surgery. To my disappointment, after tests, apparently it's not a stomach ulcer (disappointment as if it were, it would be easily treated), so I've decided to start keeping a food diary to see if there's any correllation between what I snack on and the dreaded tumym pains...

Keeping a food diary means you get to see in black and white exactly what you consume in 24 hours. It also makes you really think about what you're eating... for example today I turned down a choc chip cookie because I didn't want to have to write it in my food diary haha!

Anyway, I was keeping a tab of what I shove in my god on my mobile phone, but when the stupid software crashed, I decided to revert back to good old reliable pen and paper. Of course, me being me, I couldn't use just any old pad of paper, so I went to paperchase to buy something pretty. Unfortunately, all the note pads I liked either were too big, or didn't have that handy elasticed band to keep the pages nice and tidy inside my ever-expanding handbag... so I decided to improvise and bought a plain white pad and some really cute smiley foodie stickers!

... now I just have to remember to write it down every time I eat something! Just hope I can keep it up. Maybe this is the way forward in the battle against the snacking urges!! We will see...


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