Star Trek

Usually high expectations before a movie mean that you're never quite as impressed as the raving reviews in the papers, but Star Trek was an exception! Although the actors effectively do impressions of the original series' characters, it adds to the enjoyment of the film rather than spoiling it. There were all the expected and well loved characteristics of the 60's TV show, such as Bone's catch phrase "Dammit man, I'm a doctor! Not a scientist!", the trade mark 'swooshing' of the Enterprises's doors, and Captain Kirk's magnetic ladies man quality.

The film sets the scene showing how Kirk and Spock grew up as children and finally ended up on board the USS Enterprise, with the usual explosive star ship battles and sci-fi taser shoot outs in between. The action was excellent, the humour was nostalgic and witty, the special effects were seamless and the cast extremely well chosen.

Ok, I'm a bit of a self confessed trekkie, but surely that just makes me harder to impress? Thumbs up from me, brilliant film! Oh, and my boyfriend who has never ever seen an episode of Star Trek in his life (unbelievable I know), LOVED it too, so you don't have to be an avid Star Trek watcher to enjoy this film!

Edit: Have just thought of another comment to make on the movie... was it just me or did Kirk seem like he had a fat lip through the entire film?? He certainly got punched in the face frequently enough to cause one!


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