Neurotic mother...

Ok, it was just too tempting not to blog, and she's going to kill me for posting it, but then if you don't want the world to see, don't leave it all over the house with a notorious blogger present...! I only hope I don't become this neurotic and a control freak (although I fear it may already be too late... It's in the genes)

This is what my mother does every time she goes on holiday, ever since we were kids... she seems to have forgotten I'm a rather responsible nearly 30 year old adult now, and a list would suffice... Anyone would think it was a military operation maintaining our small semi-detatched house. There's notes by the front door reminding us 'last out lock the door' (i guess we should be thankful she didn't leave the usual post-it note ON the front door this time), notes on the plants to remind us if they need 'a little' water or just 'when looking droopy', a whole list for other important household reminders such as taking the bins out etc... Anyone would think my sister and I (and my boyfriend) have never lived on our own before (which is quite funny as i only moved back home for the first time in about 7 years a couple months ago, but anywaaaaay....).

We've even been told to make sure we tidy the house and not just 'the obligatory running the vacuum over the carpet'. To be honest I'm genuinely surprised we haven't been told to make sure we don't have any wild parties or friends over, and to not trash the house, although maybe that's coming later, when she actually leaves (yes, she hasn't gone yet, not for another few days, but i guess she felt the notes needed some kind of overlap, to make them reaaaaaally sink in...)
I guess it's all quite funny really, and I love my mum to bits. Her quirks make her her... but it would be nice sometimes to have a bit more trust, a bit more like we're adults. You never know mum, maybe you'd be surprised and we'd clean the house top to bottom before you got back without you telling us we should... but i guess we'll never know... will we...! I suppose i should just see it as a rather funny treasure hunt. God knows where else we'll find bits of paper while she's away...Haha

Sent from my Nokia phone


Anonymous said…
Using your dear much-maligned and overworked mother as a fall-guy blog character for entertainment deserves penance - coming home to a deep-cleaned house and other 'treats' you can think of might just do the trick!
Anonymous said…
yeah... you go mom... erm, i mean "anonymous blogger"!!!! ;)

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