To lomo or not to lomo...

... that is the question. Thanks to the Colour Technician, I now have been bitten by a case of the iwoots (I want one of those) and reaaaaaaaaally want a lomo camera. Lomo cameras produce gorgeous retro feeling photos thanks to a plastic lens and good old fashioned film, and I sooooo want to buy one. I have spent the past 2 days umming and ahhing as to which to get! Do I go for:

The classy Smena 8M?

A rather fun 3 lens action sampler camera:
Or the original Holga...
I just can't decide! They're all under £30... and I love the look of the 3 lens camera, but the Smena looks so well built.... help me decide! 

It's a shame there's no such thing as a digital lomo out there. Perhaps attaching a plastic lens to my SLR would achieve the same results?!


all 3 Erin!!!
buy one a month! =)
I'm gonna start collecting the range! haha!
I love my fisheye lomo one! x

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