My DIY digital lomo!!

Well, after scouring the internet for two days, I remembered I had a Opteka fish eye lens for my old Panasonic FZ5 lying around somewhere gatehring dust, so clambered into the loft to dig it out and see if it fitted onto any of my Nikon's SLR lenses... and guess what, it DID! Ok, so it's not exactly pretty....

...but OMG I'm so not buying a Lomo now! I don't need one! The fish eye screws perfectly onto my 18-55 kit lens! And even better, I can take one camera to my weekend break in Spain and snap away to my heart's content without having to wait for film processing! WOOHOO!

Here's a few quick test shots I took round the house and garden... not bad!! I did a bit of creative zooming on a couple to produce the warped effect! I did do a little saturation adjusting on picnik, but hardly anything really!

Digital lomo test shot 1

Digital lomo daffodil



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