I can finally tell the time.... day glo stylee...

Ok, so about 8 months ago, I posted about really wanting a super duper you need sunglasses to tell the time neon toy watch... well, obviously, I didn't want to spend £120 on what is essentially a plastic watch that looks like it came out a kinder egg, so when I saw a blantant rip off in teeny bopper cheapo jewellery shop Claire's Accessories I did what I usually do.... exclaimed "OMG! I sooo want one!!!!".....

.....then ummed and ahhed about it for another month.

Last night, after some gentle persuading from the boyfriend, and assurance that it's ok to spend £10 on myself, I bought a day glo pink one.

Spot the difference! Not bad huh?

Cheapo version...

Break the bank I have more money than I can shake a stick at version...

Now I just have to dress around my new accessory... doh....


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