Hormone attack of epic proportions!

Omg it's only taken 8 and 1/2 months, but I finally had an attack of the pregnancy hormones today... and on an epic scale!

I'd been visiting my friend for lunch and drove straight from there to the hospital for the breastfeeding workshop (which I meant to attend weeks ago but forgot about).

2 hours later, head full of a hundred things I needed to remember, I finally got home at 9:45pm, tired, very hungry (I hadn't eaten since 1pm), hot and very edgy because the breastfeeding expert had just said the total opposite of everything in the Gina Ford book (which hubby had read and had since been very keen I stick to). I got home to a very stuffy, very hot and humid house (because hubs wouldn't open the window due to "the massive moth" outside... he's scared of moths... which just exasperated me) and found him taking salmon and potatoes out the oven (when I'd asked him to cook a pizza from the freezer). I flipped, had a go at him for not coming to the breastfeeding session when other women had their partners there (even though I'd told him he didn't need to go), got mega upset he'd spent money we don't have on food (when he'd bought it with his own money and because he didn't think pizza was a good enough meal for a 8 1/2 week pregnant woman) and then started crying like a complete maniac like someone had died (proper shoulder racking sobbing). I'm not even sure why I was crying so hard! Poor hubs was totally baffled and got really worried!

Now I feel really guilty for flipping out so much when really he hadn't done anything wrong and was trying to be nice. Oops!! All I can say is I blame my hormones?! Wonder if that's a warning sign of labour?! I hope not!

Sorry hubby! Love yooooooooou! Guess this is just preparation for the major mood swings in going to have once I'm sleep deprived and hormonal post birth! Ha! You have been warned my darling! x


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