Daily Mail Olympic Fail

It's no secret that I hate the Daily Mail newspaper. They publish so much rubbish it amazes me that people still buy it. The health section is full of scaremongering articles (such as all the articles about getting cancer, a laundry list of which are available in my blog post here), and don't get me started on plastic freak Jan Moir! 

It's quite usual for Twitter to be full of Daily Mail spoofs, so it wasn't a surprise, with the Olympics well under way, when Derren Brown tweeted this spoof Daily Mail front page:  

What WAS surprising (although it shouldn't have been) was the article that actually appeared on the Daily Mail website!

What a load of bigoted racist rubbish! So, what the Daily Mail are saying, is that if you're not born in the UK, you shouldn't be permitted to compete in the Olympics for Great Britain. Never mind that you have British Citizenship and a British passport... if you're not white, you aren't British and can't represent your country?!

By that reasoning, my mum, who has lived in the UK for almost 40 years, has worked and has paid taxes, has a British passport, property and a British husband and family, shouldn't be allowed to represent the UK in any capacity because she wasn't born here?

So where do you draw the line? Are people who are born to immigrant parents also not British? Should the Olympic team be made of pure blood white English citizens? Perhaps we should get rid of the royal family and singing the national anthem when we win a medal then, considering they are a mix of English, Spanish, German and more. 

At least other newspapers have been celebrating our Olympic gold medals!

I haven't seen the Daily Mail's front page today (it's not included in the montage above), but if it does sing the praises of our Olympic winners, isn't that a bit hypocritical? Surely you can't spout hate about our team being full of immigrants in one breath and then shout about how many medals we've won in the next?

Daily Mail? More like Daily Fail!


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