5 days over due & the dreaded stretch marks

Well I'm now 5 days overdue. The influx of texts, phone calls, whatsapp messages and Facebook messages have increased five fold. Even my sister has been calling dad for updates haha! I'm sure she must be getting ready to make an appearance soon as I was woken up a few times last night with mild period pain like cramps.

This weekend is August bank holiday so it would be great if she could show up while daddy was not at work in town! Mum's even more impatient for her to arrive than I am. She's been encouraging me to take long (exhausting!) walks and talking to bump regularly telling her to get a move on. As it's bank holiday I wanted to make the most of my precious last free time, so we were going to have a picnic, but sods law, I've been praying for rain and they were finally answered, so instead we had a nice tea party at mum and dads. Keri baked some yummy flapjacks and scones, then we went for a long walk around the nearby lake (and got rained on). Still no progress though! Think the walk exhausted mum and dad more than it did me though... This was mum post stroll.... haha! (sorry mum couldn't resist... you looked so funny curled up on Dad's chair like a cat!)

My little sis Keri is such a sweetie. She loves buying presents. She bought us some lovely mugs, bless her cotton socks! LOVE them! Made me almost well up (hormones!!).

Impatience aside, the only other drawback from going overdue is that the dreaded stretch marks, which were limited to my hips, have now spread under my belly button and across by abdomen. Boo...! I thought I was going to escape with minimal scarring. Bah! If little madam had arrived on time I think I may have. Oh wells, just another war wound to show (or as my friend Carla lovingly called them, Mummy stripes!). Who knows, if I end up having a c section, the stretch marks will be the least of my worries! Oh the things pregnancy does to our poor bodies! The figure and skin of my youth is well and truly buggered! Haha!

Come on little bean! Mummy's getting impatient now!


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