Hypnogogia returns....

So last night I had another attack of hypnogogia. It hasn't happened to me since April, when I last blogged about it, which is a relief, and I'm guessing it was maybe brought on by over tiredness, but it was pretty traumatising all the same.

I was lying on my back, falling asleep, when I became aware that I couldn't move again... this time I got the exploding head syndrome I hadn't had before (yes sounds like some kind of horrific disease featured in the game theme hospital but it's an ACTUAL term for a symptom of hynogogia) and I felt this awful pressure building up in my head and a horrible loud roaring sound... my room had changed into the room I had when I was a kid and I was petrified as there was some threatening presence looming over me. Anyway, I struggled and struggled to open my eyes, my heart was pounding, racing faster and faster, and when I finally managed to wake up I thought my heart was going to explode out of my chest it was beating so hard...

I turned on my side hoping that not lying on my back would stop it from happening again. No such luck...

Thank god it only happened two or three times before I finally managed to get to sleep. At least I know I'm not spiralling into the depths of insanity though! Although, this over active imagination of mine is both a blessing and a curse!


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