Hypnagogia... argh

Yes it's the 1st April... so far no tricks played on me yet other than the April fools our HR department arranged, posting on our intranet page that the office toilets are becoming over crowded and that they are implementing a booking system in blocks of 3 minutes. Not entirely unbelievable when you think we have ONE toilet per sex per floor in a building of possibly over 250. I may post later if I get caught out before midday...

I realised this morning that as the frequency of posting on my blog increases, so does the occurrence of the JD-esque (from Scrubs) monologue running in my head. I've taken to describing everything I do silently to myself, like I'm in some kind of weird TV show, with the thought constantly in the back of my mind that 'I'll have to blog that later...' anywhoo, it's not stopping me blogging, but I thought I'd share the notion that I am slowly but surely loosing the plot. Maybe a silent scream for help... may just be I'm obsessed with blogging my every thought. Who knows.

A perfect example of my insanity.... last night, I could NOT get to sleep. When I finally DID get to sleep, I got that awful freaky sleep paralysis thing that I get every now and then. I couldn't move and I suddenly became aware that there was a 3 year old girl in crinolene petticoats running round the room by my bed in circles, getting closer and closer to me. The rusting of her skirts was getting louder and louder and I couldn't open my eyes to wake myself up. Of course when I finally unstuck my eyelids as the rusting reached an unbearable intensity and looked at my room, there was nothing there, but then I was too freaked out to go back to sleep! Then the pipes started banging downstairs and I could hear church bells from a church that doesn't exist anywhere near the house and well, let's just say I'm very tired today due to my over-active imagination. *sigh*

So, I thought I'd do some digging as to what exactly this horrible thing is and why it keeps on happening to me. I needed some reassurance I really wasn't a) being haunted or b) going slightly insane. Thanks to good old wikipedia, I found out I am getting hypnagogia. Wikipedia states that "Hypnagogia (also spelled hypnogogia) describes vivid dreamlike auditory, visual, or tactile sensations, which are often accompanied by sleep paralysis and experienced when falling asleep as opposed to the hypnopompic state leading to waking up." I get almost all of these symptoms (apart from the exploding head?? thing... thank god!). Fear, awareness of a presence (usually a big black figure standing next to the bed, so the three year old girl in crinolene skirts is a new one my brain has conjured up!), an overwhelmingly loud sound (screaming in my head which gets louder and louder until I force myself to wake up) and paralysis (I usually realise I can't move and start straining to move my head). So, it's all explainable and exacerbated by my extremely over-active imagination. Dammit.


Anonymous said…
Er... as to commenting on the sunbject of Hypnagogia.... it is interesting, I looked it up after reading this post and I too regularly experience some of these symptoms though without the nastier paralysis and head exploding so I just thought it was my dreams refusing to give up even though I was waking or my stupid head doing annoying things to stop me from sleeping in the first place. Turns out there is a name for it all. Something new learned today. Mostly though I used to get that falling thing... that is so annoying as it is nearly impossible to get back to sleep again afterwards without getting up and having a walk around to settle ones nerves.
What stood out most about this blog though was the twice mispelled, rustLing, I'm sure if the little girl's skirts had been 'rusting' they would have made a very different noise ha ha

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