I hate Mondays...

Especially when I've had a rubbish weekend... no zoo on Saturday (was very disappointed as it was the only thing I had been looking forward to all week and right now I need things to look forward to as I feel miserable), it rained, I didn't get to sleep until late last night so now I'm very tired, my eyes won't stop watering... and I'm generally feeling fed up with everything and everyone and wish I could just quit my job, go abroad and never come back... feel like re-evaluating everything and everyone...

Ok, enough moaning... I did go for dim sum on Sunday with Sim and John and Gwin and their friends, and watched Perfume, which was a REALLY disturbing film about an orphan born in France with an exceptional sense of smell and becomes obessed with capturing a human's scent and turns into a psyhcopathic murderer... was a really good film (although very disturbing) until the ending... anyone else who's seen it will know what I mean... but I recommend it anyway!

Nothing to look forward to this week... all that is dragging me through the days is the thought of my long weekend in Dublin at the end of the month, and after that... nothing... boohoo...


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