I love my husband

Ok this is a little gushy, but what can I say, sometimes your loved ones need a little public declaration of appreciation, because they deserve it... so here goes!

This blog post is dedicated to my wonderful hubby. I am genuinely a very very lucky girl to have married such a wonderful man. Ok so yes, he takes longer than any woman I know to get ready to leave the house (the majority of it styling his hair). And yes he has an irritating habit of saying half a sentence in his head and half out loud so that I have no idea what he's going on about... but he has a billion good traits to outweigh the annoying ones!

So many of my friends complain they can't leave baby with their other halves. It's not lost on me that I can confidently leave the two of them together for the day and not worry! Yes I would need to leave detailed instructions on how much of this and that to use and what time she takes her naps, but that's partly my own control freak nature! He helps out so much with the munchkin, I don't know how I'd cope without him. He does her night time feeds at weekends. He changes nappies. He feeds her when I'm fed up and stressed out from battling to get her to drink. And most importantly he provides me with invaluable emotional support. He regularly comes home with a bottle of wine or a box of profiteroles to cheer me up. Or makes me laugh. Or gives me a cuddle. I'd have gone loopy by now without him!

He's also brilliant around the house. Who else has a husband who voluntarily will declare "the carpet REALLY needs vacuuming!" and fetches it from the cupboard. Yes he misses all the corners and vacuums round everything, but he does it, without asking. Every morning he empties the draining board by the kitchen sink. He washes up after every meal. And every day, when we sit down for dinner, he thanks me for cooking and says how nice the food is. Even when it's curry for the third week in a row. He does all his own ironing (mainly because I don't do his shirts to his standard!). 

Don't get me wrong, he's not perfect. He's still a man. He still walks past piles of washing that need to be put away for days until I take them upstairs. But he is good in so many ways, I'm truly grateful to have such a considerate, helpful and loving husband.

Hubby, I love you!

Ok so that's enough mushy soppiness for one day! :)


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