And we're back to milk refusal...

So we're 9 1/2 months in and munchkin still won't drink or eat. We had a few weeks of bliss after her bout of gastroenteritis where she ate like a trooper and drank awake, and slowly we've been going downhill ever since. Now I'm back to sleep-feeding and battling with solids. I feel worn out. I'm continually on edge clock watching til the next feed (which is now even worse as we've had to add three meals in between 3 bottles so back to trying some form of nutrition every 2 hours) and am constantly stressing when I leave the house in case she refuses to drink. After her tummy bug, she was eating 3 big meals a day plus 25-30oz of milk. Now she'd happily survive on 10-15oz of milk and no solids if I let her. I'm at my wits end. I don't know what to do. She's started audiably refluxing and swallowing it back down again, and today she's not drunk a single drop of milk awake.

Tomorrow, after 9 months of crappy GP appointments and being fobbed off by various health visitors we're finally seeing a paediatrician... I just hope they know about silent reflux and don't fob us off with the usual "she's gaining weight well" rubbish or I'll have a mental breakdown right there in the room. I NEED her to get better. 9 months of feeding in the dark or in complete silence, stressing over oz and lbs is taking its toll. Plus I'm going back to work soon and my poor mum is going to have to learn how to sleep-feed her or her weight gain is going to nose dive again. I feel like I've been treading water for 9 months and my head is slowly slipping under. Months of adding extra scoops of formula and coconut oil to her bottles has kept her weight gain steady, but its not an indefinite solution. At some point, she's going to drop a nap... and then she'll be down to two bottles a day and no solids. Then what? 

So I'm praying the paediatrician listens. And has some answers. Because if they don't, I genuinely don't know what we're going to do. 


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