Little rant...

Ok, so this is a one time blog... I'm going to say it once and then that's the end of it, because frankly I shouldn't even be bothering justifying my actions because of a few busy-bodies (and please don't think this is aimed at any one person, as it's not)... but as always I have to have my say, so here goes...!

What I put online, what I blog, what I Facebook, what I tweet, is up to me. Yes, I post a lot of photos on Facebook. Yes I blog about my experiences. Yes I put myself out there. If you don't like it, don't read it. Don't look at it. Hide my Facebook statuses. Hell, I've done it myself! I don't care about what some people have had for lunch, or what funny pose their cat sleeps in. It doesn't mean I feel the need to tell them to stop posting stupid photos of their cat/dog/rabbit/bike or car. I just filter it out. Because what is important to them, what they find funny, or cute, or endearing, whether I agree or not, is up to THEM. And I also know how to use facebook properly... yes all the settings that you probably don't even know exist... including the privacy settings!

And yes I know I am guilty myself of posting photos of what I ate for breakfast/lunch/dinner (especially when I was pregnant! Ha!), and yes I post probably a thousand photos of munchkin on Facebook every day... but those are the things that are important to me... (hold on that came out wrong... obviously there are other important things in my life aside from food and my daughter... such as my husband... well, he's a close third anyway... perhaps joint third with a good stiff G&T anyway heh heh). I mainly post for posterity, or for friends or family who are on the other side of the globe to keep in touch. Those photos and tidbits of info about my day are not for YOU. They're not for your benefit. Which is why they probably bore you. So, go ahead and filter me out. Unfriend me even if you like (I know some people have already! Don't think I didn't notice ;) ). But don't bang on about how I'm wrong, I over share or don't understand the dangers of the online world. Because what is right for you and right for me in terms of online presence are two very very different things. And I probably know a hell of a lot more about online privacy than you do! *sticks tongue out*

There. I've had my say *exhales*

Now go forth and unfriend me peoples! I shan't be offended! But I also won't be paring back the volume of baby photos, baby anecdotes or photos of my dinner. SO THERE! :P


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