A baby will never starve itself. WRONG!

What would I do without the reflux Facebook group! So many mums going through the same nightmare as me.... It's a wealth of invaluable advice and support. 

Today a mum posted this interesting link... If I had £1 for every doctor/health visitor/fellow mum/friend that said to me that Su Yin "won't starve herself". Just confirms my belief that actually, given the chance, she probably would... 

I get so many comments from friends and family saying "but she looks so healthy, she's fine, her cheeks are so chubby, don't worry so much". What they don't realise is that she looks that way because I cram tons of coconut oil into every bottle. I add a scoop and a half extra baby formula into every bottle. I slip tiny amounts of nutritional supplements into her baby rice (but not enough to alter the taste as that's all she eats and she notices when I try to mix in other things in her food). And I feed her anywhere up to 15oz of milk a day while she naps to ensure she gets the minimum requirement of milk to ensure she not only gets the calories she needs but the calcium requirement for her growing bones too. I'm so glad the feeding therapist agrees the lengths I go to to ensure she gets the minimum nutrition to maintain a healthy weight are valid... it's not me being a worried anxious mum. It's me being a mum battling to keep on top of a tiring, stressful feeding regime for a baby with pretty severe aversive restrictive food intake disorder. And yes, that IS a thing. Google it. 


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