Weebls on TV!

Regular readers of my blog will know that I am a huge fan of Weebl and Bob... well on Sunday I was sitting on the sofa at my uncles house in a jetlagged befuddled state, slightly dozing off, when this ad for 118 247 came on tv! I almost leapt off the sofa exclaiming "OMG! WEEEEBLS!!!"....

...Needless to say, everyone in the room just looked at me like I was totally stark raving mad and ignored me... but tut tut tut weebl and bob, couldn't you have thought up a new jingle instead of just recycling Magical Trevor?!

Here's the new ad:

And my favourite Weebls animation, Magical Trevor (which incidentally I can guarantee will be stuck in your head once you watch the clip... probably why they used it as the ad jingle... sly... very very slyyyyyyy....)



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