Pyjamas in public?!

I have to admit, it's always raised my eyebrows when I spot someone in Tescos browsing the frozen goods aisle in their uggs, pyjama bottoms and winter coat. Sounds unlikely but it truly is a sight I see fairly regularly grocery shopping... one of the perks of living in one of the beauty spots of south east London (that was sarcasm in case it went buzzing over your head unnoticed). Admittedly leaving the house in my nightwear is NOT something I could ever bring myself to do. Call me vain but it's a struggle to coax me out the house sans makeup and contacts, nevermind my nightie... so when I read this story about the PJ police in Shanghai, I chuckled. Only in China could wearing a nice floral nightie out in public in broad daylight be seen as a status symbol. God bless the Chinese grannies!!


Unknown said…
"They should keep the pyjamas in the bedroom. This is just visual pollution."

That is hilarious!
Sweetpea said…
HAHA I just saw two, yes TWO seperate examples of just that when I went out to the shops... one girl walking alla zebra print PJs and black ugg boots, and a lovely display of pink nightwear complete with hearts... my area must be VERY affluent! haha

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