LOLSpeak... (yes I was bored)

So tuhday I finks I speak in LOLcats speak and see if you hoomuns out dere can decyfer what I sez... it kwyt diffikult iznt it? lol... I givz you a link to LOLcats dikshunary to helpz you fynd duh daffynishuns or you haz trubble reading de wurdz! I also listz ma fave LOLcats wurdz buhlow...

Bak to nurmal agin tomorrow!! Phew! kthxbai!

cheezburger not done yet - an animal known as cow
nom nom nom - the sound a cat (or another lolcreature) makes while eating
pew pew pew - The sound the catguns make when fighting the enemies. It is a delicat sound that is needed for the cute kitties.
roflcopter - rolling on the floor laughing... A LOT. Also, the combination of a ceiling fan and a Lolcat
snorgle - (verb) act of physical affection. involves the rubbing of face into the softest, warmest, fluffiest parts of a kitteh or other cute animal. can also be applied to the necks of hoomins to good effect. (
sploded - exploded


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