Picking a Chinese name for bean bean

Picking a baby name is a difficult decision. Not only does it have to sound nice, but it also has to have a pleasant meaning. Whatever you choose, your child has to live with for the rest of their lives, so it's not a decision to take lightly! People get ideas for names from all sorts of different places. Take my parents who, according to my mum, named me after Erin in the wholesome 80s TV show The Waltons! (my name also has some meaning behind it, meaning Ireland, which is fitting as I'm half Irish). Some people are not to thoughtful, as the illegal baby names article describes (http://uk.lifestyle.yahoo.com/blogs/yahoo-lifestyles/10-illegal-baby-names-194006397-3.html). I never even knew that some countries had to vet your choice of baby name! Judging by some of the choices rejected, it's a bloody good thing they do! Who the hell tries to call their child Chou Tou (smelly head in Cantonese!!)?!!

Anyway, imagine how difficult it is to have to choose not one but two names! We decided that it was important that bean has both an English name and a Chinese name, so last night hubby and I discussed our choices. Strictly speaking, if you do it the old fashioned way, we should wait til she is born and then give a fortune teller her date and time of birth and they would come up with suitable options... but we're not so superstitious so his aunty Sherry sent us a load of options based on the time of year she's due and the fact she's a dragon baby, as well as to work well with our surname Fung 馮. The options we liked best were:

姝妍 su yin (pretty girl beautiful virtue)
姝晴 su qing (pretty girl sunny)
姝瑩 su ying (pretty girl sparkle)

We've decided to go with Su Yin (shū yán in Mandarin) as we both like this name the most. It's very girly girly and sounds pretty. And I can remember how to write it. Ha!

We've taken to referring to her as Su Yin since we decided on her name. Makes me smile every time I say it! So exciting!

Hooray! That's one of her names decided! Now we need to choose her English name!


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