Braxton hicks or a growth spurt?!

The past couple of days I've had what feels like period pain cramps. They're down low in my abdomen, under my bump. It's getting quite annoying and seem to be worse in the evening. I looked it up online for 26 weeks pregnant and I guess it could be one of two things. Either missy bean bean is having a major growth spurt (which she is due to have round about now anyway and according to hubby has already had as he said I look a lot bigger in the week he was away in HK) or it's braxton hicks! Braxton hicks are pretend contractions which prepare your body for birth. I knew about them but I didn't think you got them this early on! Apparently you do! I'm putting it down to a growth spurt though as I'm sure fake labour pains would be a lot more painful! After my bump circumference not budging for 3 weeks (although it's definitely got bigger higher up) it's started growing again. You don't notice it until you start comparing bump photos! I feel huge now and I'm not quite in my third trimester yet! Eek!


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