Hello Daddy! We missed you!

Bean bean has been quite quiet the past week. Normally she kicks and thumps around in the morning and when I go to bed at night, but all of last week she didn't move around as much. Don't get me wrong, she still kicked and punched now and then, but a lot less than I'm used to. And I think I know why. She was missing her daddy! Hubby had to fly to Hong Kong last Monday to go and visit his terminally ill mother (maybe something for another blog post, but please pray for her), and all week that he was gone, bean has missed his voice. The day he got back and talked to my tummy, she started kicking and moving around, to the extent that I think she woke me up from my sleep last night! I genuinely think she recognises her daddy's voice and responds to it. She's going to be a daddy's girl... I can tell already!

Hubby says that I've gotten a lot bigger the week he's been away. I do feel a lot bigger. I'm beginning to have real problems tying my shoe laces and putting socks on. Another reason I need to buy some decent slip on shoes! I measured my waist this evening and I'm up to 100cm (I was 95 last week!) but I think I better remeasure tomorrow morning for a fairer comparison... plus I CAN'T have put on 5cm in one week?! Having said that I've been stuck at 95cm for 2-3 weeks now so maybe Bean's had a growth spurt?

Only 1 1/2 weeks til our 3D scan. I cannot wait! Can't believe I'm now 26 weeks pregnant. Time is seriously flying by so quickly! I was thinking how different Christmas will be this year. It's going to be all about baby! So exciting!


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