Oh how times have changed...

Sat in bed at half past 10, I was flicking through old photos on Facebook as I rubbed my belly with anti-stretch mark cream, and I realised how different my life is post-30 compared to my 20's. In my 20's, my most pressing thoughts were what party was on that weekend, whether to buy a new outfit and stressing about the possibility I'd put on a few lbs. Fast forward to the age of 31, and I have put on 2 stone, am scrabbling through my wardrobe trying to find things that still fit in order to not have to spend money on expensive maternity clothes, and my conversations involve discussing with my husband what dessert to take to our friends for dinner tomorrow, whether we should remortgage, and what buggy to buy.

As much as I loved being care free, partying hard, the dating game and a wardrobe full of brand new clothes, I am so so happy visiting friends (who all seem to have new born babies), going to weddings, the cinema, oddly hanging out with my parents (is that a real indicator of maturity?!), staying in on a Saturday night watching TV and lying in bed with hubby reading a book. Owning our own home, being Mrs Fung and starting a family beats anything in my 20's. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't want to change anything I did back then, I loved my 20's so much, and just because I've settled down doesn't mean I won't let my hair down, but I much prefer a restaurant to a club now! It amazes me how much I've progressed from one extreme to the other. There was a time when the prospect of sitting at home on a Saturday night would have filled me with dread! Such a waste of a weekend! Never mind that the whole of Sunday was a write off because I rolled in at 6am and slept til 3pm! Haha

I'm betting in a years time I'll be rewriting this post, smiling at the fact that in a space of a year my life had turned another corner with the arrival of our little baby! But for now I'll just marvel at how different and wonderful life has been since hitting the big 30!

Pre 30's

Post 30's


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