Trippy dreams...

I always seem to have really weird dreams, and usually remember them when I wake up. Apparently after telling my Mum one rather nasty dream I had (about being repeadtely stabbed) it's all my fault she in turn had a nasty dream the night after. I used to write them all down in a dream diary, but as it's no longer next to my bed, most of my midnight musings are lost in the morning bleary eyed fuddle... but this morning they seemed to be stuck to the inside of my eyelids, so I thought I'd share. Anyone feels like psycho-analysing and providing me with some insight feel free!

First I dreamt I was in the dragon boat team and had to do this team obstacle course in a school gym hall, going up and under different tubes and boxes. I was totally ut of shape and huffing and puffing by the end of it, much to my own embarassment. Then we were paddling the dragon boats across a stream in China, but my paddle was a really funny curvy shape and wasn't paddling me as fast as the others, and when we had to paddle back, they left me behind (probably because I was rubbish).We got to do some sight seeing of this huge temple set into the mountains, and I was taking photos on my mobile phone.

Then I dreamt I was standing on this dusty wasteland, and was being chased by zombies. I ran to this abandoned house with a blue door and rattled the loacks until someone on the nother side opened up and dragged me in. There were two women living in the house, and we had to creep around so the zombies outside couldn't hear us. I wasled to a window and realised there was a zombie pit bull prowling around outside and they brought it into the house to kill it so it didn’t bite us when we went outside at night time.

There you go. WEIRD dreams huh? The zombie theme is quite a regular though, along with tigers/lions outside the house trying to get in, and aliens zapping us from flying saucers... I think I read too many sci-fi books maybe?! HAHA


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