Blog Action day! Fight climate change and save the rainforests!

Today is blog action day, a day for bloggers around the world to get their voices heard about a particular topic. This year is about climate change, so I thought I'd post up some info on saving the rainforests!

Destructive logging and burning of the rainforests not only destroys the habitat for many endangered species (and over half of the planet's biodiversity) and homes of indigenous cultures, but it also has a huge impact on climate change. The rainforests absorb almost a fifth of the planet's man made CO2 emissions annually. Deforestation releases an extra 17% of annual greenhouse gases, an added devestating impact.

To see what is being lost, below is a sample of images taken by award winning photographer, Daniel Beltra, who's photos will be on display at Kew gardens. Daniel won the prestigious Sony World Photographer Award for the Prince's rainforest project assignment. Further images can be viewed here.


For more information on the impact of deforestation and how you can do your bit to save the rainforests, visit, or register your support below!


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